Basic principles of our actions
Since its foundation in 1947, the success story of the family-owned company BREMER has been based on the lived values of quality, innovation, trust and reliability. They are the compass for our actions and thus the foundation of our success. On this basis, we have jointly earned a very good reputation through outstanding performance, operate as one of the leading companies in Germany and are in the public eye.

Our group of companies is subject to a variety of complex legal regulations and a wide variety of national and international legal frameworks that must be observed and implemented.
Failure to comply with these requirements can result in significant disadvantages for BREMER SE and each of its subsidiaries, but also for us personally, regardless of whether we are a board member, managing director or employee. In addition to immense economic losses, such as fines and penalties, this also includes personal sanctions, which are regularly accompanied by reputational damage. All of this must be avoided at all costs.
BREMER therefore undertakes to explicitly comply with all applicable local and international laws. This also applies to the core labor standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the UN
Guiding principles for business and human rights, the principles for preventing corruption published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and Transparency International and the Ten Principles of Sustainable Business of the UN Global Compact.
For this to happen, adhering to clear guidelines and our values is essential. This code of conduct therefore forms a further building block to sustainably secure our success story and the well-being of the BREMER Group not only now, but also for the future. It is intended to serve as a guideline for us in our daily work and to provide orientation when dealing with unfamiliar situations.
The established principles and values represent binding rules for acting responsibly within the scope of our work at the BREMER Group and in our dealings with customers, business partners and other external parties to the company. This guide does not claim to be complete, but rather reflects through naming central rules of conduct reflect our shared promise of lawful and ethical business conduct.
Our code of conduct
With this Code of Conduct, all of us, from the Supervisory Board to the Management Board to all employees, expressly and unreservedly commit ourselves to integrity, lawful conduct, moral principles and a sense of responsibility. Our claim to conduct all business in a morally and legally impeccable manner is inextricably linked to compliance with all applicable laws and official regulations at all times and without exception. The same applies for internal instructions and guidelines of the BREMER Group, which implement the Code of Conduct in individual areas.
We are fundamentally fair
Our entrepreneurial activity also reflects our common understanding of respect and tolerance. For us, the personal dignity and individual esteem of every person are important cornerstones of unprejudiced and open behavior. Accordingly, we do not tolerate any form of discrimination, disrespect or harassment based on age, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, and identity, physical or mental impairment, religion or belief, or any other characteristic protected by law.
In this spirit, we at BREMER attach the highest importance to fair dealings with each other and with our business partners. We also take a clear position in connection with foreign business relationships: In addition to complying with German regulations, we base our actions on the laws and regulations applicable in the respective country, while respecting the social norms and traditions prevailing in the cultural area concerned.

A strong sense of responsibility
Our social and economic responsibility is reflected in all our business activities. For example, we avoid conflicts of interest and protect the Group's assets. We also use natural resources responsibly and are committed to acting in an environmentally compatible and sustainable manner. Our corporate mission serves as a further guideline here. At the same time, we strive for consistently high quality in our business activities. Committed to this goal, we comply with all regulations to ensure product and workplace safety and live up to the premise of energy conservation.
In addition, the protection of free competition is a high priority for our business objectives. Accordingly, the principles of the market economy are practiced without restriction and are an integral part of our corporate culture.
Our entrepreneurial activities also reflect our shared understanding of respect and tolerance. For us, the personal dignity and individual appreciation of every person are important cornerstones of unprejudiced and open behavior. Accordingly, we do not tolerate any form of discrimination, disrespect or harassment based on age, ethnic origin, sexual orientation and identity, physical or mental impairments, religion or belief, or any other characteristic protected by law.

The careful handling of personal data of employees and business partners is a high priority for us. We respect at all times the rights of those whose data we collect, secure or process and take all necessary and appropriate measures to protect personal data and confidential business information from unauthorized access. Only authorized persons are authorized in individual cases to pass on selected business-related information to the public, the media or other third parties.
In addition, BREMER also respects the rights to data and intellectual property of others. We all make an indispensable contribution to our success, and each of us is therefore personally responsible for compliance with the rules and principles of the Code of Conduct. In this way, each individual contributes to securing our outstanding position in the market and, alongside our business partners, even further strengthening the trust of our customers in the performance and integrity of the BREMER Group. We encourage our employees as well as all business partners and stakeholders to submit a report in any form if there are any questions, ambiguities or identified violations. This can be done anonymously via our whistleblower protection system or communicated openly with the management and/or the compliance officer. Any behavior that is not in line with this mission statement harms us and is never in the interest of BREMER.
We are aware that we can also be perceived as a part of and representative of BREMER in our private lives. Even in the context of leisure activities, we live up to our responsibility for the company's reputation and adhere to the principles laid down in the Code of Conduct. We consistently investigate indications of possible violations. It is therefore important that every employee has sufficient knowledge of the legal framework that affects their area of responsibility.
For this purpose and if you have any questions about this Code of Conduct and its application in individual cases, we can contact our immediate superiors, the managing directors or the board of directors at any time. The whistleblower protection system is also available to all employees: internally and externally affected.
The above statements are binding guidelines for our actions as a board of directors; We also expect full compliance with these requirements from our employees and managing directors.