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With the creation of an independent subsidiary in Ingolstadt in 2015, BREMER established a strong presence in Bavaria. As general contractor and construction manager, BREMER INGOLSTADT acts as a cross-sectoral supplier. Clients range from investors to SMEs – many of them family businesses – who value a professional, open and frank business relationship based on partnership. Short construction times, adherence to deadlines and cost certainty coupled with quality and reliability guarantee a high level of satisfaction during the construction phase and beyond.

Cost-efficient building solutions

Business activities cover office and multi-storey buildings, production facilities, logistics buildings, furniture stores and retail. Cost-efficient end-to-end solutions are among our core competencies.

General Constructor in Bavaria

A superbly coordinated team of young and experienced civil engineers, construction engineers and architects ensures that the BREMER brand continues to strengthen its profile in the South of Germany.


Our Range of Services

All services from a single source – BREMER realizes projects of any size for industrial and commercial customers. The range of projects includes office buildings, furniture stores, cold storage facilities, logistics buildings, production buildings and consumer markets.

Learn more

Your personal contact

Marco Frank


Tel  +49 841 319610-00
Fax +49 841 319610-60

BREMER Ingolstadt GmbH
Marie-Curie-Straße 5a
85055 Ingolstadt