Sparda-Bank-Hessen Stadion Offenbach
Object location
Service scope
Turnkey with Planning
Building type
Floor space
36.000 m²
170 / 140 / 21,00 m
Construction period
Feb. 2011 to Jul. 2012
Object description
The stadium was planned entirely by architects and engineers from BREMER AG. A total takeover contract was concluded with the client. The so-called "drawer" facing Bieberer Strasse is a special architectural feature, enlarging the business area on the 2nd floor to approx. 1,500 m².
Four-stand stadium with open corners. The construction, including the roof structure, consists of BREMER prefabricated reinforced concrete elements. Capacity: approx. 20,500 spectators of which approx. 11,000 seated, including business seats, wheelchair spaces and box seats as well as approx. 9,500 standing room.
Head office Paderborn
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