Lidl Cold Storage Facility Weert
Object location
Weert, Niederlande
Service scope
Building type
Cold Storage Facility
Floor space
52.000 m²
370 / 132 / 15,00 + 48 / 62 / 15,00 m
Construction period
Dec. 2009 to Sep. 2010
Object description
The construction of the logistics building consists entirely of BREMER precast reinforced concrete elements. The outer circumferential plinths, which are approx. 4 meters high, are also made of precast reinforced concrete elements (3-layer sandwich panels), with the outer shell consisting of smooth exposed concrete. Above this plinth, the outer façade is made of ISO panels. The building's storage areas are divided into block stack storage, high-bay storage, cold storage, deep-freeze storage and waste disposal. An administration building is attached to the distribution warehouse.
Special features
This is the first distribution center that BREMER has built for Lidl in other European countries. The entire construction is founded on approx. 10 meter long reinforced concrete driven piles. The reinforced concrete hall floor is also founded on 5,000 piles like a large table top.
Head office Paderborn
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